Monday, November 9, 2009

How Much Do Mad Hatter Cakes Cost?


Here is your beloved Costalu (because I have love, no?), excited to teach in this way their first DIY, if you can call it that way, it is more a Fitting your what I've seen in some of their blogs. I repeat: Yes, I did it myyyyyyy way!

In a cute girl who bears his Blog so didactically that is a delight to visit every day, La Joya de La Corona , Well, come to visit if they have not done so because "they encantalá" !

And our dear Kaia of From top to bottom, that just at this post had precious Clutch all. This was the one I liked:

and fixed itself in my head and did not want to leave ... then I had some building materials and others that I could get, obviously Gamarra, commanded me to do it. I have no photos of the process because not sure if I would and would not do me much hope ...

Well, this has been the result. They tell me what you think.

good thing is that it has one flaw .... is 47.489, heh, heh, heh.


of the above approach.


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